The day before Christmas Eve 2019, my procrastination queen kicked in and I had to get papers notarized to update my Young Living account name to match The Oily Stable. My eyes were set on a particular Chase but for some reason I couldn’t find it, and neither could my GPS. So I drove to the nearest bank I could find, a PNC.
The banker up front told me he couldn’t help me, but insisted I talk to their business banker. I didn’t want to, didn’t see the need. But something told me to stay, he was so persistent, he didn’t really give me a choice. Some may say it was a banker just being a banker and trying to get some business. But something was telling me this was spiritual. Something was telling me it was my Heavenly Father guiding his naive daughter toward what was best, what was wise. Setting me up for something greater.
Maybe I’ll tell that whole story another time, but the short of it was I needed to set a business bank account before the end of the year. So I did my research and came back on Christmas Eve. With barely enough money to open one, the very gracious and patient banker helped me. It felt way bigger to me, like success was on the way. I walked out of PNC and could see the Chase Bank I was originally looking for across the parking lot. I laughed to myself, God had something up his sleeves- I just knew it.
Then, 2020 hit. I felt the Lord tell me to “cease striving”.
Image by Katie Jump
Very firmly. He was serious, but I didn’t listen. Didn’t he see the dreams I had for The Oily Stable? Didn’t he see that I could barely pay for rent or groceries? Why would he have me set up a bank account to have nothing enter it? I even had a dream of how to redesign my website so it would better represent my skills and services.
Covid happened, and like most of the world, I got scared. I rushed to redesign my website, I offered online yoga. My oil business started to grow again. And then my heart started to hurt and my legs started to swell at the slightest amount of exertion. I was too tired.
I needed to rest. I needed to listen to my body. Even more important, I needed to listen and obey my Heavenly Father. This must be why He told me to “cease striving”. Because He knew better than me, He always does. He knew that Covid would happen. He knew there would be financial relief. God knew that I needed to take to heart what my business preaches to the world- love yourself. Love your horse, love your body.
Love your neighbor, love yourself. Love yourself just as much as you love your horse. Love yourself, just as much as you love your neighbor. Love yourself, or you won’t be able to love your horse. You won’t be able to love your neighbor.
Today, I’ve been wrestling with not posting anything for Small Business Saturday. But what does this day look like when God asked you to stop striving? I honestly don’t know. I want to tell y’all how grateful I am for you. I want to share with you my services and products. They’re still here, still for sale. The essential oils I love selling because they’ve changed my life, they opened up the door to pursue this lifestyle of healing and wellness. I want to give raindrops, because I love them and because they work. I want to do yoga with you and flow to my favorite playlists.
Image by Charuk Studios
Ceasing to strive doesn’t mean I’m quitting. I’m still here. My small business is still here. I still want to serve you. I still need and want your support. I’m just being obedient. Maybe it looks like writing on this platform more. We shall see.