Ash Wednesday Nakedness


Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. It always sneaks up on me. I never used to celebrate it, growing up in a nondenominational church.

I remember getting ashes for the first time in college- it felt so strange.
The last 2 years I’ve spent it at Worthy yoga studio. I took this photo afterwards to mark the date.

That place became sacred, holy ground. I always picture Jesus as a boy in the temple, his family looking for him. Of course they found him in his father’s House. That’s how I want to be, when you can’t find me. I want people to look in the temple and say something like “I knew this is where you’d be.” That’s how I felt about Worthy. It’s closed now. As tears stream down my cheek in the Nordstrom parking lot today, I grieve that I won’t be there tonight. How strange it feels to grieve locations. The Holy Spirit whispers gracefully, this is worship too, everything you do is worship. I ask Him what He means.

I think about the dressing room I just came out of. My mom got me a gift card for Christmas and I need new jeans. Jean shopping is historically an emotional and vulnerable event for me. I turn into a bit of a drama queen.

Growing up I would never consider myself to have struggled much with self image. And I’m thankful for that. But you put me in a dressing room with jeans and all these emotions come up. Critique about my shortness and my thighs, my belly. I remember one year just walking out with a pair on to show my mom with tears running down my cheeks, silent. No explanation needed. Blaming hashimotos disease. Stressing over how I want them to fit and somehow linking it to wanting to be loved by a man. 

I haven’t had a full length mirror for almost 2 years and it’s disorienting. Like I don’t know my body anymore. I know it seems like an easy problem to fix. Currently I don’t have room for the one I want, so I guess I just keep holding out. They don’t seem like a necessary item. It’s an odd feeling standing in front of one. Seeing my own body with fresh eyes. There’s smiles, ways my body has changed since going off medicine. Learning to love the body God gave me in its natural form is harder than one would think sometimes. I am an image bearer of the most high king. He tells me I’m without flaw and I don’t know if I believe him as I look at a different angle. Yes, image bearer. Royal daughter.

This is how I want to live. Instead of thinking to myself “I don’t really need to be shopping right now, you were just in the area, you should have other priorities.” That time in front of the mirror, alone with God, that’s worship too, if I let it be. 

Next is an appointment at 3. Another part that’s been hard to love since going off medicine is my skin. I remember in college, lathering up every day with lotion. My hallmates and best friends would always come in and joke with me to put clothes on, and I’d tell them how I was going to be married one day and it’s important to keep your skin moisturized and soft to prepare. Silly. How I wish for that discipline now. It was such a simple task and now it seems so hard to love myself in that way. I booked an organic spray tan as a last resort. I’ve only had one before- a couple years ago before my best friend’s wedding.

I want to love the skin I’m in. I want it to feel hydrated and I thought maybe this would help. And it might seem ridiculous to compare it to Aaron holding Moses’ arms up in the Bible but when you can’t love yourself sometimes you just need someone else to stand in the gap a little and that’s what the spray tan was going to be.

This is your spiritual act of worship.

I decided in the Nordstrom parking lot, looking across the street at a church that isn’t having an in-person Ash Wednesday service because of covid but instead an online service. I’m so tired of online services. I have never wanted those fingers of a stranger to Mark a cross on my forehead so bad. I want to do a sun salutation to the Lord’s Prayer in the middle of Worthy yoga gathered with others close by. Embodied worship.

That tan, letting a stranger see me naked and spray me with an aloe/walnut shell whatever-it-is mix to make me look tan would be my embodied worship today. Vulnerability. Grieving. Standing in front of a full length mirror. Celebrating. How christians love to make grieving a celebration also. A both and kind of thing. This upside kingdom we’re living in. So different than the world we reside in.

I think of Lent. And how the first Ash Wednesday 2 years ago at Worthy was when the Holy Spirit really started to set a fire in my life. Today is significant. Everything is worship. Intentionally pressing in for 40 days. Walking to the cross with Jesus. I see heavy muddy feet and chains walking step in step with him to the cross. To resurrection. Everything we base our faith on.

Lord, I’m ready. I’ll walk with you. It’s long. Patience. Impatience. Waiting. It’s translated to the word “long suffering”. But also dancing, and wrestling. Day by day. Moment by moment. The house of the Lord is those church buildings Jesus was found in. The ones that aren’t gathering in-person to celebrate today. But they are also our bodies. The ones in front of the full length mirrors. The one getting spray tans. Of course that’s where you’ll find me. In my father’s house. Embodied faith. Embodied worship. Holy, Sacred, lovely, beautiful, pure, and righteous. The way we love each other; worship. The way we love ourselves; worship. The way we choose to look at our days, spend our days; worship.

Thieves Vitality Horse Treats

Ready to spoil your favorite horse? These Young Living essential oil-infused homemade horse treats are super easy to make and are a crowd-pleaser with all the horses! Boost their immune system and make them happy at the same time!


Thieves Vitality

Horse Treats


  • 2 cups grated carrots

  • 1 cup oats

  • 1 cup flax seed

  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil

  • 1/4 cup molasses

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 8 - 15 drops Thieves Vitality


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Add essential oils to vegetable oil and stir. Can use more drops of oil if you’d like them to be stronger. (I taste tested the treats and it’s a pretty subtle taste with about 10 drops.) Mix together carrots, molasses, and oil until well combined. Add salt, oats, flax seed until dough-like. Use a spoon to make cookie size treats and place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Bake around 25 minutes or until golden-brown.

  • YIELD: 12 Treats


Trust: The Bond Between Horse and Rider

There are many reasons that the equestrian sport is beautiful; the beauty of the horse, a majestic yet graceful animal, for instance. Or how seamless and effortless riding can look once practiced and performed.

One reason stands out among the others: the bond between horse and rider.

It seems almost unexplainable- the unity you feel while you are riding your horse, the connection on and off the horse.  

This bond between horse and rider creates a deep trust that both the horse and the rider develop and experience. The amount of bravery it takes to ride an unpredictable animal would not be possible without this trust.  

The fascinating thing is, it’s actually not unexplainable.  There have been several studies on the human-animal bond, especially between horses and humans.  

Norwegian and American researchers have found that a unique inter-species connection happens between humans and their horses called “co-being”. “Co-being refers to a state of relationship in which each partner evolves to “fit” better with each other, both physically and mentally” (Lesté-Lasserre).  Horses and riders cease being viewed as individuals and instead as one.  

This is how riders can distinguish between different personalities among horses. There is a deeply engaged connection that continues to grow the longer the horse and rider interact.  

“‘(Humans) are balancing according to a feel of the other, the horse, attuning their bodies to sensations of the horse bodies,” Maurstad and colleagues stated in their study. “Action and response between the species bring about riding as a collaborative practice, where bodies become in sync. And sync is a product of intra-action in that both are changed through a process of training from the meeting between the two—literally flesh to flesh’” (Lesté-Lasserre). 

Horses and riders build trust because both are balancing, collaborating, becoming attuned, and in-sync with each other.  

Because of this connection, as humans, we care for our horses- mentally and physically. That’s why our horses are usually more pampered than we are! 

Using essential oils fits right into the trust that is birthed from this bond. By incorporating Young Living essential oils into your horse’s care and wellness routine, you are giving your horse the best in purity and quality, and getting rid of as many chemicals as possible. Your horse will trust you more because you are taking the time, energy and care to give him the best care possible.

There are stories of riders using the same combination of oils on themselves as their horses before their ride- deepening the connection and unity between them even more!

We would love to hear your stories of how Young Living Essential Oils are strengthening you and your horse’s relationship!  Share below or send us an email with stories, questions and comments!

To Be Brave

By Hannah Burchfield, The Oily Stable

Bravery is super important for equestrians because you're riding a 1,000 pound animal that could take off or do anything in a second. We can train them all we want, but horses are innately unpredictable.  

I was in a car wreck in February and I didn't want ride my horse after because I was scared a noise or something he did would scare me and make me panic. When I first got on, I had to be brave so my horse wouldn't react in fear, it was hard but every time I got back on, it got better.  My increasing bravery helped my horse be brave, so that we were both calm and able to perform well together.

Sometimes we have things we are scared to do but we have to do anyway to move up and move on.

Bravery isn't the lack of fear, it's deciding to keep trying, moving, and trusting in the presence of fear. Bravery allows us to grow and become the best versions of ourselves we can be, bringing us closer to our horses at the same time. 

I have grown a lot in my life and with horses this year. Overcoming obstacles have helped me grow. To be brave it takes making that mental switch of not giving up and moving on.

The Wonder of the Horse

By Elizabeth Ector, Community Coordinator for The Oily Stable

Horses have influenced the world and have been significant to humans for more than 6,000 years. That in itself is impressive and worthy of honor. Horses have been food, soldiers, transportation, machines, athletes, the spirit of the West, and incredible companions.  Few animals have been quite a resource as horses throughout civilization.  Horses were necessary in developing the United States of America and have shaped so many societies all over the world. Horses have become symbols of freedom, hard work, strength, grace and power.   

In the equestrian sport, I find it very easy to get so caught up in ribbons and the brand on your show breeches and forget why we love the sport so much. Isn’t it the animal that gives us so much to be thankful for?

Here are some fascinating facts about horses:

  • Researchers have found that horses have 17 distinct facial expressions (three more than the chimpanzee)! (University of Sussex)

  • Horses can read human facial expressions and emotions and respond accordingly. (University of Sussex)

  • Horses’ laterally placed eyes allow them to have almost 360 degree vision. (Larson,

  • The horse’s memory is second to the Elephant’s in the Animal Kingdom.  (Larson,

These are just a few of the many wonderful things about horses! And I’m sure every horse lover could share their favorite things about the the animal that means so much to us all.  Doesn’t this make you thankful?

I often think of my favorite childhood horse and how spending time with her would make headaches and stomachaches go away.  When I was sad, riding her made the tears stop.

I am so thankful for her.

I’m thankful that horses have taught me how to work hard for my dreams and goals.

I’m thankful for the opportunities I’ve had and the people I’ve met because of horses.  

The definition of gratitude is expression of warm or deep appreciation of kindness or benefits received. 

Did you know that research has shown expressing gratitude can make you happier and positively impact others around you?  (Brooks, NY Times)

Make a gratitude list this week, and make sure to include the reasons why you’re thankful for horses!  Then share this list with the people in your life and spend some extra time loving on the horses around you. They are so special, my friend, and we are incredibly blessed to be called equestrians.

Why Quality Matters

By Elizabeth Ector, The Oily Stable Community Coordinator

One of my favorite quotes has always been, “wherever you are, be all there,” spoken by the brave missionary, Jim Elliot.  When I think of what “quality” means to me I think of this quote. Whatever I’m doing, I want to do it well. Not just well, I want to put my everything into it. I don’t want to be thinking about what I’m supposed to be doing tomorrow, or where I wish I could be right now- I want to sink my whole self in- into the activity, ride, book, piece of work, or conversation- whatever it is, my entire being is going to be there.  

That’s how we can give our best, right? We could mess up- but if we know deep in our hearts that we tried our best, put our all into it, gave whatever we’re doing all our attention- then we know we didn’t actually fail, because we gave it our best shot and now know more to do better next time. 

Let me tell you the story of one of the most embarrassing and trying horseback riding lessons I had while I was in college. 

I was riding a pony named Rocky. He was adorable, don’t get me wrong, but we all know how ornery ponies can be. Rocky’s bad habit was never wanting to stop. He was like the energizer bunny that you can’t figure out how to turn off!

So, my coach put a trot pole a few strides after a cross-rail and told me that I had to get him to stop before the trot pole. Sounds simple enough, huh?  

Rocky and I jumped over that cross-rail more than 15 times, and each time- he just got faster and faster. Feeling defeated, my coach called me over to talk. 

“I want you to give me a step-by-step plan of how you are going to get Rocky to stop before the pole. He knows what he’s getting away with.” 

“I’m going to canter around the first turn-” I started.

“Where are you going to start to turn? When are you going to transition to trot? I need more detail. If you’re going to accomplish this, you can’t skip ahead. You have one shot, all or nothing- million dollars or zero- one chance to do it right. Be confident, get frustrated, do whatever you have to do,” my coach lectured.

I got serious real quick. I should be able to complete a simple task.  Wherever you are, be all there. I gave her detail by detail of my plan and gave the exercise my all, tears included. 

You know what? Rocky stopped about 3 steps after the pole, but I didn’t walk away from the lesson still defeated. I learned what it takes to have confidence; what it takes to complete something with excellence and quality. 

No matter how small the lesson, exercise or task is, take the time to be all there and to strive for excellence, not perfection. Even if it takes you 17 times to achieve the outcome you’re looking for, don’t rush through it and just keep trying your best.

If you cannot get a horse to stop well and correctly in a small exercise, there's no way you're going to be able to enter a show ring and feel satisfied with your performance, let alone have a well-behaved and accurate athlete underneath you.  


That flawless, consistent round is because you practiced each step thoroughly. It's the little choices every day to be present that help shape the beautiful masterpieces in our lives.

If you skip ahead or rush through tasks and day-to-day details, you’ll miss out on so much in life. The value of your experience is determined by the quality of your experience.

There's promise involved, not compromise when you act with quality.

That is what I love about Young Living. Their company values quality.  An example of this is their Seed to Seal commitment.  They have promised that every step of the process- from the seed of the best plant to the seal of your essential oil- will be completed, tested, and proven with quality. Quality is their standard, they do not rush or skip ahead, you’re receiving the best of the best- and you can count on it.  If you’d like to read more about Young Living’s Seed to Seal commitment, visit  

How is quality integrated into your life?  Are their opportunities you’ve missed out on because you rushed through?  Or are there moments and experiences in your life that are marked with excellence and quality?  

The Importance of Goal-Setting

From atop the horse, my eight-year-old self felt completely free.  I knew I had found a lifelong love at a very young age: horses.  Even better, my horseback instructor told me this could be a career if I worked very hard at it.  

My big goal, my dream, was to own a horse barn and teach riding lessons to kids.  I wanted to be the type of influence on others that my horseback instructor had on me and I wanted to share this love of horses and the feeling that riding gave me with others.  I wanted to grow up and work doing something I loved, every step of the way.  To get started, my first goal was to go to college for an equine degree (a long way off, about ten years away actually).

This was going to be something that needed lots of planning and goal-setting.  So, my eight-year-old self got started.  I compared college programs based on what I thought I wanted to learn and would help me achieve my goal.  I didn’t end up going to the college that I thought I would when I was little, but the steps I took to research colleges helped me in my decision-making process when it was time to pick the right college.  

Goals have the ability to motivate you and create a work-ethic that overflows into every part of your life.  

I’m a week shy of twenty-three and my eight-year-old dream is still my dream.  And I have completed that first goal, I graduated from Otterbein University with a Bachelor’s degree in Equine Science Business Management in May.  Looking back, there were steps I took to get to that goal, and there were others that would’ve helped me if I would’ve taken the time to write out and pursue those as well.  Now, I need to figure out what the next steps so that I can own a horse farm and create the business that I want.  One of my steps is working with essential oils.  This is important for my main goal because I want to be the equestrian that is always learning new things, cultivating a healthy lifestyle for myself and the horses I ride and take care of, and incorporating this education and lifestyle into my business practices, now and in the future.

It’s one thing to be visionary and have a beautiful dream and another to actually have goals, specific and measurable goals that help you achieve that desired dream.  

So, what goals do you have for your life?

My guess is that if you are an equestrian, you have some pretty big and wonderful dreams.  

Take the time to find smaller goals to align with your big dreams.  

Effective goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).  

Write these down, and give yourself grace because they will change and that’s okay!  Date your piece of paper and keep it somewhere special so that you can look at it often, adjust your goals, and celebrate your accomplishments!

- Elizabeth, Community Coordinator for The Oily Stable

Helping Your Horse Adapt To New Surroundings

Our Hannah Burchfield wrote this guest blog on The Preppy Equestrian Blog recently.

It’s hard getting a horse to adapt to new water, barns and weather, so here’s a few tips that can help with all three things. 

When I first bought Phippen I had to trailer him across many states and I was worried he would be upset, rowdy and sore. My Mom suggested we could use Sacred Mountain Oil Blend and let him smell it whenever we stopped. It was such a calm and easy trip. Phippen was excellent the whole trailer ride home and we continue to use both Sacred Mountain and Copaiba oil to help him remain calm during transitions, traveling, and even storms.

Here’s a tip on using one of my favorite oils to help a horse adapt to new water.

On a long trailer ride you have to stop and refill your water buckets, but that doesn’t always mean the horse is going to drink it. When I was hauling Phippen home I used two to three drops of Young Living Peppermint Vitality Oil and it helped him to get used to the new water source. Anybody can use it for horse shows, switching barns, and long trailer trips.

Looking for luster and shine?


If you want a lustrous, shiny coat you can use Young Living’s Lavender Essential Oil and Coconut Oil on your horse. I’ve been using this on Phippen for a few months and I have noticed a huge change in his coloring and hair.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope this gives you some ideas how to use essential oils for your horse this show season.

Here are the oils I shared about:

Young Living Sacred Mountain Essential Oil

Young Living Copaiba Essential Oil

Young Living Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil

Young Living Lavender Essential Oil